I Human
This is a little piece I wrote in the 1st lockdown of 2020 in Melbourne. It was a call for courage, a call for resilience, a call for optimistically fuelled grit and determination. This time in Melbourne for me, had been both a nightmare and a gift. It provided some frightening financial possibilities that drove my anxiety wild and made my fears roar loudly.
This lockdown, touted the toughest in the World, was so difficult emotionally & psychologically, particularly for people like me, who essentially live alone 8 nights a fortnight.
It was also an opportunity to just sit in such solitary and lonely introspection, to relive and re-experience past pains, and to heal them, with compassion for self, and relentless pursuit of what is actually so, what is the truth, my truth. In the end, and theres no actual real, this has been a sprinted effort on the very long journey of falling in love with myself. #gratitude
Trapped in my unnatural state of isolation
My mind and I have travelled down some rugged terrain
Anchored in the basic need for survival
Ever vigilant about the costs and opportunity of ubiquitous struggle
Can I skilfully avoid being a victim of an ever threatening environment
Can I maintain a resilience of thoughts
Can I draw upon the thinking that leads me to prosperity
Can I avoid the threatening calls for me to resign to a demise
Can I draw deeply upon my spirit
My intentions
Can I with a heart, so full of love
Bestow a love toward my own self
So that I can, in fact, be of service to so many suffering
Can I rise above my own self doubt and insecurities
To take this challenge on
The epic battle of nodes in my neural pathways
Knowing that the power I can apply
Resides in the very same place as my own imagined enemies
Can I draw upon my heart
So that my child is left with the certainty of my bravery
So that my family can worry not a moment for my safety
And so that my community can be lead by the light I create in my own mind
Both light and dark are within me
And in the midst of this battle
I remain dedicated to a being that serves my victory
I continue to fight the darkness that I also possess
In the hope that new expectations of something more
Can propel us all to something better
I am as brittle as the glass through which I can see the world
As forceful and powerful as the the miracle of my biology
I am but a subject of my own enquiry
A result of my practice
An outcome of my desires
A force of my own reckoning
I am human
With love,
Scotty M